V vs the Broken Heart Part 1 Page 3 Sep23 by tipzemason on September 23, 2017 at 1:49 am Chapter: V vs the Broken HeartCharacters: Coolgirl, Golden Samurai, V
Who can there mysterious rescuer be?
There’s enough there to figure it out. 😉
I’ll wait till the next page
do I sense a twist incoming?!
There’s still a few of those left to come, don’t worry 🙂
Okay time for guessing the plot twist.
A. It’s the REAL vampire of fetishville.
B. It’s the cop with the vampire fetish.
C. One of the earlier villainesses from the series.
All the multiple choice tests i have ever taken would have two more options:
D. All of the above
E. None of the above