V vs The Broken Heart Part 10 Page 3 Nov24 by tipzemason on November 24, 2017 at 8:43 pm Chapter: V vs the Broken HeartCharacters: Golden Samurai, Strange Girl, V
I giggled at the ‘door’ joke 🙂
I think V was being serious 🙂
Forgiveness denied!
She did literally almost kill Strange Girl.
That door joke was pretty good.
8 Chapters, and this is the joke everyone likes 😛
Ah strangle girl has a thing for tying up V even if it’s a hug restraint :p
People in _this_ town have Strange Fetishes.
Haha, this is a great wrap up so far, love the lack of forgiveness for right now, even if it’s just a joke
Golden Samurai did try and kill Strange Girl.