V vs the Broken Heart Part 11 Page 4 Dec01 by tipzemason on December 1, 2017 at 9:58 pm Chapter: V vs the Broken HeartCharacters: Strange Girl, V
Awww V looks soo cute specially with that bow gag, bow in hair and as strange girls says “adorably bondage-prone” which is soo true 😀
All wrapped up and ready to go! 🙂
Sorry V, but if it’s in your contract to finish (and start) each storyline bound, that goes double for your first season finale 🙂
So you’ve seen V’s contract, eh? 😉
That is an adorable way to wrap up everyone’s favorite vampire, and there is no better way for her to relax.
I thought both V and her story needed to be wrapped up in an adorable way.