A comic for random humour, video game adventures, slice of life and damsels in distress.
The Incredibly Awesome Adventures of the Amazing Marisu
115 comics.
Marisu’s New Webcomic
I’ve always wanted to have a Mario ghost house, complete with Princess In Distress. Oddly, the commi-nazi fits just as well. Happy Hallowe’en!
Sixteen Hates Everything – including the things you like. This time, Sixteen and Marisu discuss The Joker in The Dark Knight
Hello Looking forward to your comic’s
Thanks. I’m hoping to do a weekly schedule. But it might slow down later on depending on how fast i draw (which is not fast at all).
Nice! The trio all together. Nice cleave gags too, keep up the good work.
Thank you!
Yeah, new comic!
I still love seeing Elena tied up, although the three of them at once is a rare privilege.
The amazing tied trio! This is one of my favorite covers ever, it gives a great introduction to everyone with a descriptor on who they are in a succinct matter.