Getting the band together Jun09 by tipzemason on June 9, 2019 at 4:49 pm Chapter: The Incredibly Awesome Adventures of the Amazing MarisuCharacters: Elena, Marisu, Sixteen └ Tags: Dragonball z, K-on
Another great comic, I REALLY like this outfit for Marisu!
I have been thinking of doing a lot more Marisu cosplay pics.
Is that a new outfit? It’s sweet.
Maybe Marisu should have gotten lessons from Yuki Kajiura.
Marisu is cosplaying.
She could use singing lessons for sure.
That should be a thought bubble in the last frame, unless that gag is *really* ineffective 😀
Yeah, i know.
I actually saw this yesterday, but i don’t really have time to update it (even though it’s a small fix), so i’m hoping it’s not too jarring it’s a text and not a thought bubble 🙁
lmao, soo cute in a band, her clothes and tied
Cute Girl Bands are all the rage!