Accidentally handcuffing oneself takes special talent.
It’s her Vampiric Talent.
Haha, oh whoa she really is the bondage queen! Also love that pic of her falling – so funny and cute.
Thanks! I like that shot of her, too. It’s the frizzy hair i think.
V is the only person I know that would trip over some boxes and just so happen to get a pair of cuffs perfectly around her hands behind her back. I don’t know if that’s sad or impressive. Imprad? Simpressive?
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Accidentally handcuffing oneself takes special talent.
It’s her Vampiric Talent.
Haha, oh whoa she really is the bondage queen! Also love that pic of her falling – so funny and cute.
Thanks! I like that shot of her, too. It’s the frizzy hair i think.
V is the only person I know that would trip over some boxes and just so happen to get a pair of cuffs perfectly around her hands behind her back. I don’t know if that’s sad or impressive. Imprad? Simpressive?